Saturday, August 21, 2010

healing on all levels eating raw

"I so hope some day soon all doctors, nurses, physiotherapists etc lose their fear and practice [eating] raw and recommend raw omnivorism, and everyone heals on all levels. I guess the world would be boring then, but I would really appreciate it."
Roslyn S.

P.S. "If you don't know where you are going, when you get there you will be lost." Yogi Berra said that . He was a great American baseball player and down-to-earth philosopher. I quote Yogi as a way to thank Roslyn for a great statement of where we are going.
Another P.S. Roslyn monitors a great online social group. If you are on the Primal Diet and wish to be admitted to this group, email me at for an invitation. Or apply at
See this important link: Health or Disease by Aajonus Vonderplanitz (this link will only be active for the next three days).

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