Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Choose The Foods That Are Best For Your Health"

We at the Nutritional Foundation (and who run the www.WeWant2Live.com website) have received many phone calls and e-mails expressing concern and offers to help, in the wake of the raid on the Rawesome Co-op in Venice, on June 30th, 2010.

Recently a Canadian friend of Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz, PhD. Nutrition (this friend shall remain nameless for now) expressed concern that we were entering the legal arena, and that this could drain our efforts of time, energy and money.

This upside of suing the attackers would be to set legal precedents, and make it easier for those who follow us to choose the foods that are going to be best for their health.

Dr. Vonderplanitz replied to our Canadian friend: "some battles are worth fighting. This may be one, with help of course."

And so we encourage you (as Dr. Vonderplanitz has done) to donate money to "The Right To Choose Healthy Foods (P.O. Box 176, Santa Monica, Ca. 90406-0176)." Your help will be much appreciated in the continuing saga of getting good quality raw foods to everyone who chooses to consume them. And thanks

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