Thursday, November 8, 2012

To see what foods would have been labeled if Proposition 37 had passed in California, use this link:
To see a health regimen that has 0% of these foods, visit

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Contributed by Marjory Wildcraft who has brought up her very healthy family on raw food, home grown.
See about learning how your body works with raw food and see to obtain Aajonus's full works, regimens and remedies.  See to see Marjory's methods for growing your own food.

Hi Friend,

[Anyone familiar with Marjory knows that] I claim 95% of the food sold in grocery stores is toxic to the human body. And I am not backing down on that. It is a huge part of why I am telling you to grow your own!

Yes, the pesticides and herbicides are terrible. But the biggest concern I have is with GMO's (genetically modified organisms). The research proving the dangers of GMOs keeps pouring in despite the massive attempts to cover it up. The rest of the world is paying attention - over 60 countries have banned GMO food from being grown or imported. But here is the US big agri-business has a death grip on the US Gov't. I mean isn't it the job of the FDA and the USDA to make sure the food supply is safe?

75% of the products sold in grocery stores have some form of corn in them, and almost all the corn grown in the US is GMO corn. And then there is GMO soybeans, and even GMO wheat. Since these ingredients are in almost everything, it is difficult to buy something in the grocery store that is non-GMO.

This election cycle there is a David vs. Goliath food fight going on. It is based in California, but if passed will affect everyone in the US. Proposition 37 would require that food products sold in California that contained GMO's would say so on the label.

I know that California has a bad rep for being a 'nanny state' and they certainly do come up with some crazy ideas over there sometimes. But in this case I agree; you should know what is in the food you are buying. The label should tell you if there are GMO's inside.

I've been looking for a good, concise, well crafted source of information on the whole GMO issue. Dan, a regular subscriber, sent me over this YouTube link which is an excellent video exposing the problems with GMO's and why there is such pressure to keep you from knowing about this.

Watch this video - especially

- If you've been trying to lose weight and can't
- If you are having problems with your organs malfunctioning, diseased, or cancerous (your heart, kidneys, liver, colon, stomach, etc.)
- If you are having infertility problems, or if you want to have grandchildren, then pay special attention to the very end of the video.

If you are in California, why not mess with the system a little bit and vote "Yes" on prop 37? But don't wait for laws or Gov't toget you healthy food - start growing your own.

Here is that link again. The scope of the dangers of GMO foods is something you should know about. Click here -

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Important -Proposition 37 - Deception and Lies

Contributed by Feline Butcher

Hi Everyone,
It is time for a rebuttal and please feel free to share this info!
I know we have been really harping on Prop 37, but I really appreciate your support and understanding about how vitally important this initiative is. Monsanto and DuPont are pouring millions into counter ads and promotion in these vital few days before the elections to intentionally confuse and deceive voters.
I know that all of you reading this are firmly behind our efforts and are prepared to protect your right to know what ingredients are in the food you and your family eat, but we need your help and support to reach out to those other people you know who may be on the fence on this issue. Because there has been so much counter propaganda thrown about, it can be difficult to have a reasonable and logical discussion with people who are basing their thinking on false information and skewed logic. That is why I want to provide you with some information that highlights many of the arguments that the GMO industry is promoting and our specific responses so that you can understand the issue well enough to spread the message confidently.
Let's get right to it.
Increased Food Prices and Raised Taxes.
Many ads and corporate mouth-pieces are claiming that because Prop 37 will add new, and potentially burdensome regulations to an already complex industry, that these regulations will have unintended consequences that will cause massive food price increases. Some of the factors they list include: increased food production costs, the inability to import many cheap sources of food from out of state, increased legal costs arising from frivolous lawsuits, etc.
These types of statements are part of a marketing technique known as FUD, which is an acronym that stands for Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. If you want to persuade somebody not to do something, you must create these emotions. The way to defeat FUD, is to employ the truth. In regards to increased food prices, the truth is that food prices are not going to increase as a result of this measure. They may increase due to increased fuel costs, droughts in the mid-west, and other phenomenon, but the costs associated with food retailers verifying with their suppliers whether their ingredients contain GMO sources or not, and altering their packaging accordingly will not affect food prices. The real fear with this measure is being felt by food producers because their biggest concern is that if customers see a package that has "contains GMO ingredients" printed on it, they might not choose their product. This would cost THEM money, but not you.
Affecting Farmers and Cost Jobs
Opponents claim that this proposition would mean that farmers in California would be at a disadvantage with farmers in other states because they would not be able to sell competitive goods and that this would put farmers and agricultural workers out of business. The truth is that nothing in this proposition prohibits a farmer from producing or selling GMO crops. It does not prohibit them from exporting them out of the state or out of the country. In fact it doesn't prevent farmers from doing anything that they already do. It only requires that RETAILERS and PACKAGED FOODS label their products which contain GMO ingredients, or have been grown from GMO seed. This idea that the entire agricultural economy of California is going to collapse from a LABELING LAW is plain falsehood.

Frivolous Lawsuits
Opponents claim that there is a provision in Prop 37 that will allow people to bring frivolous lawsuits against farmers and food producers by making false claims that their products contain GMO. That such lawsuits would be costly and that these costs would be passed onto the consumers. Under current labeling laws, if a food producer omits an ingredient on their label, and it happens to be something that someone is allergic to, they could file a lawsuit for damages to their health. There are both civil and criminal penalties for misbranding, false advertisement, etc. Prop 37 simply creates a new category of adulterant, GMO. As with any new law, there must be consequences for violation. They must not be too lenient, but not overbearing either. They must fit the crime committed. Private individuals are the most effective community watchdogs in existence, and unless they can be empowered to ensure that companies stay within the bounds of the law, compliance to the provisions of Prop 37 will not occur. If a factory contaminates the groundwater supply of a community, the factory's owner should be held accountable, if the community develops health problems. If a food producer attempts to hide the fact that they use GMO ingredients and it causes health problems for their consumers, they also must be held accountable. This is part of common law and common sense, if you hurt an innocent person, amends must be made, and justice must be served.
Likewise, these companies also have ways that they can correct themselves if a mistake has been made. Prop 37 allows companies a grace period to correct the label, to obtain a sworn statement from their suppliers that they do not use GMO ingredients, etc. Then the false accuser will have no grounds for a case. The burden of proof of wrongdoing rests heavily on the accuser. If they cannot provide hard evidence like laboratory analysis results, then their case will not proceed very far. Don't forget that this law will not go into affect until 2014 and that producers have a year to figure out how to become compliant with the law and get their legal affairs in order.
Arbitrary Exemptions
Of all the arguments put forth by the opposition, this area is the one in which the most ridicule and deception occur. One of the most promoted anti-Prop 37 ads being promoted is the one where Dr. Herny Miller, a former FDA employee, gives examples of "arbitrary exemptions" in Prop 37 and summarizes that this new labeling law "makes no sense". The ad uses a simple cartoon to compare products that are required to be labeled if they contain GMO ingredients and those that are not. Let's go over these examples and see if they truly are nonsensical or if this is just an attempt to confuse and mislead the public. The first example is soy milk vs cow's milk. Soy milk must be labeled, cow's milk doesn't. Why?
First of all, the text of Prop 37 makes no specific reference to milk products. Soy is a SEED crop. GMO soy beans are among the most common GMO crop on the planet. Cow's milk comes from a COW. The livestock industry has done some pretty terrible things to cows, but they have yet to create a "GMO" cow. As such, if Soy Milk comes from GMO Soy it must be labeled.
Juice vs Alcohol
This one may at first seem bizarre, but then you should probably realize that people don't drink alcoholic beverages for the health benefits. Prop 37 does allow an exemption for alcoholic beverages. My theory is that this was somewhat political. You are already going to try and pass a measure that will infuriate one of the largest and richest multinational corporations in the world, do you really want to make an enemy of the Beer and Wine industry as well? Probably not.
Bread vs Cheese
This is effectively the same scenario as soy vs cow milk. Bread is made from grains, which are seed crops which can be GMO. Cheese is from dairy which is NOT GMO. This is blatant deception intended to confuse voters. A clear example of Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt.
Dog food vs Meat consumption by humans
This may also seem bizarre at first glance. Prop 37 makes no specific reference to animal versus human food. The No on Prop 37 ad shows a dog food can, and a T-bone steak. This is the major deception. Any dog owner who reads the ingredient labels on their dog food packages will know that most dog foods contain GRAINS, including but not limited to soy, corn, wheat, barley, and rice. The No on Prop 37 ad has Dr. Miller saying "why meat in dog food should be covered, but meat for human consumption is not, makes no sense..." This is a very clever lie. MEAT is not covered at all under Prop 37. There is no such thing as GMO meat. Does not exist. The GRAINS in dog food, however, are covered and because so many animal food products do contain GMO ingredients means that health conscious pet owners will be able to know which dog food brands use GMO ingredients.
This ad, specifically, is a very clear example of the FUD campaign that the wealthy corporate interests are running on the voters of California. They are using deceptive language and relying upon voter's ignorance of the topic in order to generate fear, uncertainty, and doubt in order to remain hidden behind this loophole that allows them to use potentially toxic ingredients in their foods without our knowledge or consent.
We have the Right to Know, and it is time that we exercised that right by voting Yes on Prop 37.
To read the full text of Prop 37 and get the written truth, go here:
Feline Butcher
[To learn about a balanced raw food diet, go here: ]

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Missing Piece of the Rawesome Puzzle

Rawesome selling commercial eggs and chickens meant more to Aajonus than it would to a casual observer.
Why would he act so strongly upon private investigator and other confirming reports of commercial eggs and chicken sales?

Friday, June 1, 2012

Aajonus's Scheduled International Appearances in 2012

A good raw food diet is in demand internationally.  Aajonus's books and Primal Diet Workshop DVD set (click here to see clips) have been very well received in more than 20 countries in recent years.
Now there is a demand for Aajonus personally! 

See for details for each country.
In a nutshell, his 2012 international schedule is as follows: 
Toronto, Ontario, Canada June 2nd - 4th
Kuortane and Helsinik Finland, July 6 - 12
Geneva, Switzerland August 24 - 27
South Africa - a 3 city tour Oct 6 - 22

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Raw Milk - Our Constitutional Right Spelled Out

Raw Milk access and availability has been suppressed however (details are in the Petition and Report in Favor of Natural Milk available through the site) see this video [Disarm the FDA] and listen to the US Senator saying "I'm outraged when I see pictured of FDA agents wielding firearms and raiding farms to arrest Americans for the crime of selling milk directly from a cow."

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Chemicals in Food Purchases in any Market

How food can be altered from the original:

Aajonus describes a chemical danger and how to handle it.  This question and answer has been excerpted from and is typical of information in a Primal Diet newsletter where Aajonus sometimes answers subscriber questions. (click here for more info).
Patty: Hi Aajonus. The fresh fish in my local supermarket has been looking very shiny lately – like plastic. I called the buyer and during the course of our conversation, he told me filleted fish was run through a Chlorine Bath to kill bacteria. I was a little stunned and questioned him further. He told me as far as he knows ALL fish that is filleted is run through this chlorine bath; he saw the process.
Whole Foods told [a friend] recently they are spraying their fresh fish in the case with ionized water to keep it fresh looking. Neither of us knew what ionized water would do to the fish. [Another friend] said she was told to wash oysters because they are being irradiated. What is your safest recommendation of fish? Or do you, or has anyone found a GOOD MAIL ORDER FISH SOURCE ? I am going to try to research that soon.

Adulterations to our food increase daily.

Hi, Patty.  Adulterations to our food increase daily. That is why I stress that people have to invest in and own farms, period. There is no escaping the onslaught of chemicals in food purchased at any market, including Whole Foods because they embrace toxic genetically modified foods and carry very few organic products.
If you rinse meats with water rather than scrape them, you would probably wash the chemicals deeper into meats. Therefore, I suggest scraping meats. As soon as I arrive home from markets in industrial cultures, I scrape all surfaces of meat (red, fish, seafood, pork, etc.) no matter what kind. From a 1 lb. slice of meat, I remove up to 3 T. of meat by scraping it with a sharp flat-bladed non-serrated knife. Food-irradiating machines are very expensive and hazardous because they handle radioactive waste material. Only major food-manufacturing plants can afford it. Therefore, I assume that only the major oyster-producing processors would be able to irradiate oysters, such as canned and processed oysters, not in-shell oysters. Only buy in-shell oysters. However, with Fukushima disaster, I would check oysters monthly for radioactive material with radiation Geiger counters.
Ionized water neutralizes much proton-activity that helps bacteria digest food. Therefore, fish sprayed with ionized water will not predigest when exposed to oxygen. When you consume fish that has been sprayed, the ionized water will interfere with your intestinal bacteria’s ability to digest. So, scrape the surface of all fish, as I do as soon as I arrive home.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The book We Want To Live: the Primal Diet first came out in 1997. 

 Primal Diet is a formally and legally registered trademark owned by the author of the book, Aajonus Vonderplanitz (see  I suggest you read the book to gain a full understanding of the importance and relevance to health.

I spoke with a medical doctor once, asking her if she agreed to “Let food be your medicine and let medicine be your food” as brought down to us over the centuries from Hippocrates.

She said “yes, but that was then (meaning in the time of Hippocrates) and this is now”.

She is right about that. If you walk through the isles of a supermarket today and pull various items off the shelf – then try to live by eating these items and be healthy – you will not get the nutrients you need.
There are two huge differences between what is available today and what food was in the time of Hippocrates:
  • The food of today has been altered in some way and
  • something has been added or taken away from the original source of the food.

Find Out for Yourself:

I suggest you make a field trip to a grocery store, choosing the items for daily consumption – such as milk, breakfast cereal, juice, bread, prepared meat, pastries, desserts and so on, including catsup, mustard and butter.

I suggest you make a game of this, even involving your kids.
This reminds me of the kind of puzzle you can find in a children's magazine – for instance one challenging you to find the hidden animals in a picture. Take these common items and see how they have been altered from the original. You are invited to post what you find, at the bottom of this page.

Then - if it is available to you – take another field trip to a self-sustaining farm. There was a Greek Orthodox monastery not far from where I grew up. You may find an Amish farm. If you do not find a self-sustaining farm, look on the right side of this page, to see the blog labels then click on Amish. You will find several refreshing weeks recorded by Nathan Donahoe... Start at the bottom and read up.

You will notice the distinct absence of table salt, an absence of refined sugars in any of its names (for example corn syrup), and anything you do find there has a simple name such as chicken or egg. No long confusing words or complex chemicals.

I am not trying to set myself up as an authority, but rather to get you to see how this works for yourself.  I suggest you research this a bit more yourself, including reading Aajonus's books.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Right to Grow and Consume Healthy Food

HI, healthy food lovers, [from Aajonus]
The battle continues in the Hershberger case. We have stayed them from rushing Vernon into trial and condemning him so far. We have forced a jurisdictional-challenge hearing on the judge for Friday March 2. Please fax and call the "officials" listed below who are trying to rob our right to grow and consume healthy food. We know and have the constitutional law on our side but the government and the courts need to be forced to follow constitutional law not their administrative law that does not follow constitutional law unless forced. We must force them.
... [see non-commercial farmer]...
Even the Wi Agricultural code exempts farmers, workers and owners from licensing and permits if only they consume the dairy, period. Remind them that the Nazis gained the greatest control of the people by restricting their farming and food rights and we will not permit it.
Take your and their time because they are trying to take your food rights. Be heard and make them listen. I am beyond the Mr. Nice-guy attitude toward tyrannical government agents, so if it is your demeanor to try gently to persuade them, wonderful. If it is your outrage that moves you, express it.

If you live in Wisconsin, or are near the Baraboo courthouse or want to travel there to partake in the events for food freedom surrounding this case, see the announcement of activities for March 1 and 2 below.

Ben Brancel, Secretary of Wisconsin Dept of Ag.
Office Phone: 608-224-5012
Office Fax: 608-224-5045

Scott Walker, Wisconsin Governor
(608) 266-1212
Fax (608) 267-8983

Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen
(608) 266-1221
Fax (608) 267-2779

Eric DeFort, Asst. Attorney General
WI DOJ, Special Prosecutor for the County of Sauk

Judge Guy Reynolds
(608) 355-3222

[visit and Jurisdiction Challenged]

­­As the state of Wisconsin continues persecuting dairy farmer Vernon Hershberger, activists and supporters rally to his defense! See complete article on The Complete Patient

Two Day Event in Support of Vernon Hershberger

Thursday March 1, 2:00 – 5:30, followed by dinner
Friday March 2,
11:00-1:00 FOOD FREEDOM RALLY for Vernon

Know Your Rights! Support Your Farmers!

Make History With An UNPRECEDENTED Stand Against Oppressive Regulations!

Eat Really Delicious FARM FRESH FOOD!

Join the RAW MILK FREEDOM RIDERS and Farm Food Freedom Coalition for an incredible two-day event Thursday, MARCH 1 and Friday, MARCH 2, 2012 in Sauk County, Wisconsin.

DAY ONE: Rights Workshop

Thursday, March 1, 2012 2:00 PM-5:30 PM followed by a Farm Food Dinner

(Space is limited. Reserve your seat today. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how to exercise your right to the foods of your choice!)

SPEAKERS and RIGHTS TRAINERS INCLUDE: Raw milk activist, Max Kane. Canadian farmer and raw milk speaker, Michael Schmidt, Food Freedom Activist, John Moody, Author and blogger, David Gumpert, Activist and speaker, Mel Olsen and Raw Milk Freedom Riders/Farm Food Freedom Coalition Co-founder, Liz Reitzig and freedom activist and Constitutional scholar, Michael Badnarik.

Learn about a history of peaceful non-compliance, how to peacefully stand up for your rights in confrontational situations, how to take responsibility for your freedom. Farm-fresh dinner to follow.

DAY TWO: Food Freedom Rally in Support of Vernon

Please also join us the following day, Friday, March 2nd, (11:00-1:00) for a FOOD FREEDOM RALLY in support of Wisconsin dairy farmer, Vernon Hershberger who faces criminal charges, and possible imprisonment, for providing raw dairy to his community via a private herd-share agreement. Vernon courageously stands for food freedom and sets a new standard for farmer’s response to these egregious government violations.

Put into action your right to demonstrate as instructed in the workshop and show solidarity with all independent farmers everywhere prior to Vernon Hershberger’s 1:00 PM hearing.

Food Freedom Rally: Friday, March 2nd, 2012 11:00 AM-1:00 PM at Sauk County Circuit Court 515 Oak Street, Baraboo, WI 53913-2416

For full details see

Facebook event:!/events/231891596900592/

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Success with the Hot-Water Baths

After hearing Aajonus speak on interviews about the hot baths

[on the site], we were convinced that we needed to do this therapy [see pg 286 of We Want To Live: the Primal Diet for details]. We have a big, deep bathtub. It's 25 years old, and we never used it. So, we got a candy thermometer to check the water temperature. We keep the water temp between 106 and 108 degrees. It takes 2 loads of hot water to fill up the tub. We drain one hot-water-heater load into the tub, cover the tub (with a make-shift cover) to hold in the heat while the water heater heats up another load -- then we drain that load into the tub.

It registers around 108 degrees when we get into the tub.

We just slide the cover back and get into the tub, with our heads sticking out. (Only one of us can get into the tub at a time.) You stay very warm that way. We also heat up the bathroom with our electric space heater, so it's warm in the room to begin with. I have only worked up to 10 to 15 minutes, and Keith up to 20. But, we go a second step. Right after we get out of the tub and dry off, we immediately get into a bed in a warm room, and wrap ourselves (including our heads) in towels and blankets for half an hour (or more if we fall asleep). We look like mummies with a small breathing hole over our face. Boy do we sweat! We have a regular infrared sauna that we used to use, and we never sweated like we do in the hot bath and bed. We switched over to the hot bath after we heard Aajonus say that he felt the sauna was too high a temperature.

Keith has had some amazing detoxes through this. During his third hot-bath-bed session, he was smelling the organic solvent toluene coming out of his breath. He started smelling this while he was in the hot bath, and it continued on during the bed-sweating session. Over 35 years ago, my husband worked for several years in a plastic manufacturing plant as a chemical engineer. Without mask or fan, he breathed in toluene and other bad chemicals 8 hours per day.

This stuff was detoxing out of his body.

It was amazing to us, after all these years, -- to the point where he could smell it. It's funny -- he hasn't smelled it since, during any of the subsequent hot-bath-bed sessions. Another amazing detox episode was this past week, during his weekly hot-bath-bed-sweating session. He started feeling bad when he was soaking in the water -- just feeling yucky. Shortly after he got wrapped up in his "mummy" outfit in bed, he started violently chilling and shaking. I turned up the heater in the room, and put a lot more blankets on him. His forehead was not hot to the touch, so I knew he wasn't running a high temperature. He started having an "acid" stomach, which is not normal for him. He said he felt like he was getting a Dengue Fever flashback. (He contracted Dengue Fever -- a mosquito born infection like malaria -- while he was in high school in India. At that time, he had violent chills and shakes for 2 days. That was 47 years ago.) He has never had chills and shakes in all these years until this episode. This lasted for about 5 hours. We figure he was detoxing the Dengue Fever, because it was the same symptoms.

Between the Primal Diet and Hot Baths, we are seeing quick results.

We remember that Aajonus said that sometimes the body will dump it's toxins into the stomach to be neutralized by the stomach acids. During the 5 hours of chills and shakes, his stomach stayed very acid -- almost feeling like throwing up. He stayed in bed much of the next day, feeling wiped out and not hungry. But, the chills and shakes and reactions were over. So, we feel he had gone through another major detox.
The reason we get into bed to sweat after the hot baths is because of an incident I had when I was in High School. One time I had flu symptoms real bad. I took a real hot bath, because I was aching so bad. And then got into my bed,,, And I started sweating in the hot bed. After this I felt so much better. So, when Aajonus talked about the hot baths, I though about my experience in high school, and thought we should add the bed-sweating session to the hot-bath session. :o)

Happy, healthy new year!
Linda & Keith B.