Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Your Health Will Shoot Straight Up...

"Like sparkling cider or vintage Chateauneuf de Rothschild Champagne, older can be BETTER, but ONLY when and IF you know HOW. Save your joints AND your health by becoming an (informed) Primal Dieter as verified and defined by the world's most advanced nutritionist, Aajonus Vonderplanitz, PhD.

Our medical system is now broken and is not likely to be fixed in our lifetime. Hospitals are overflowing with MILLIONS of Madison Avenue-produced SAD [Standard American Diet] eaters and pill-poppers. Alternatively, nothing makes more sense nor is more in keeping with natural laws than the Primal Diet, i.e. EVERY cell in your body is replaced every seven (7) years. That gives you a fair chance to have an entirely new, more youthful and vitally healthy body seven years from today. The instincts of our ancestral 'Cave Men' were verifiable and correct. Today, enlightened Primal Diet adherents everywhere know that the final word in dietary science has now become the hue and cry of 'Back To The Future.' Why not start building your ALL-NEW 'cave man' body today.

Open a bold, all-new chapter in your life. Go to:, go to the, check out the hundreds of enthusiastic PD user's personal testaments, then just as if you've had an epiphany, buy both of Dr. Vonderplanitz' books and become a PD Newsletter subscriber. Armed with the most accurate, advanced and fact-based dietary truth available anywhere, your health will then from that day forward begin to shoot straight up." Contributed by Mark Ray of Alabama

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