Saturday, November 17, 2007

Gypsy has done well with the Primal Diet...

Dear Aajonus,
my name is Gypsy Taub. I am a TV host and media activist in the Bay Area.
First of all, I would like to thank you for saving my life. I read your book on the Big Island of Hawaii when I was told that I most likely had cervical cancer. I refused the invasive diagnostic procedures that were offered do me by the hack doctors that hack your body parts off and call it a cure. They wanted to chop off half of my cervix just to see if I had cancer. So I said: "Thanks, but, no thanks!" Instead I started looking for a natural cure and found your book. I started eating a lot of raw foods and drinking a lot of raw milk. Within months the problem was gone. I can’t thank you enough! I feel that the best thing I can do to express my gratitude is to inform other people about your book.
Needless to say that I was mad to hear about the legislation against raw milk. I am familiar with the CODEX scam that the WTO is pulling on the whole world where they banned vitamins and supplements and made them prescription drugs. I remember how they were taken to court in Europe and lost the case, and since CAFTA was met with enourmous opposition in the US CAFTA was sort of abandoned (as far as I am aware), and CAFTA was supposed to be a tool to implement CODEX. So CODEX was averted for the time being. I am well aware of the conspiracy by the pharmaceutical industry to eradicate alternative medicine especially now when so many people are waking up and choosing alternative medicine.

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