Sunday, January 13, 2008

Hi, raw-milk lovers, from Aajonus:

Your diligence is working, faxing and mailing letters to State officials. Again, when the CA State health department is involved in anything, I am not optimistic until it is over. Raw milk is still very threatened. The head of agriculture refused to put it in writing that our raw milk supply would not be impaired by AB1735. They have not withdrawn their statement to the press that they are going to enforce Ab1735. Everyone has refused to put anything in writing except law AB1735 will be enforced sooner or later. As far as I can tell, they are measuring our resolve on this issue. That means that we have, in down-home vernacular, to stay on their butts like hip pockets.

This is not a time to rejoice and congratulate ourselves on pushing them to the point that they are going public with something. We do not know what they are going to do or announce. Several of the producers group think that this is all in our favor. I guarantee that there is nothing to celebrate because the only thing they have put in writing and publicly supported is AB1735. Besides the present ministration, they are the most ruthless bunch of thugs that I have ever encountered and I have dealt with them too many times on this issue since 1970. They have never willingly given up anything. Only by force of numbers and action by lawsuit and/or letters/faxes/calls.

We have the opportunity to be heard on this issue before the Assembly Agriculture Committee on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16TH, specifically addressing a proposed bill that will be written and altered on Monday, January 14th. We do not have any idea what that bill is going to say. Some people are very optimistic but as I stated, they have given nothing but shallow promises. Whatever the bill states by Monday evening, we must be prepared to support it or condemn it beginning now. I give a proposed letter to fax below to each Assembly Agriculture Committee member.

Those who are willing to travel to Sacramento to demonstrate for the safety of raw milk, should make arrangements immediately. In Los Angeles the day of the vote, we had a record demonstration at a County Board meeting. We had so many people that wanted to be heard on the raw milk issue, they agreed to vote yes if everyone that was pro-raw milk declined to be speak. I agreed if they would put it in writing. They did and I agreed. That bill dissolved the 38-years-old County Medical Milk Commission, putting 6 doctors out of a government job.

Usually committees begin about 9:20 am and hear debates all day on proposed bills. You never know which one they will address at any particular time even though there is a schedule; so be there early. Have someone posted in the Agriculture hearing room because they could call on the bill when no one expects it. If the subject were scheduled for 1:30 pm and they call it at 10 am, you lose your chance to speak on the issue. Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors tried that one twice in 4 meetings. Because I had someone posted in the meeting, she was able to alert us to the sneaky tactic. If no one is there when the issue reaches the floor, they simple state it is a no-show contest and we lose everything we had work for to that point. It is an ugly game that they know how to play very well. Do not underestimate them. Do not trust them. I will not be there because I am in a remote area of Thailand where I cannot get a phone connection in many places.

Have demonstration signs stating "RAW MILK PROVEN SAFE; LESS REGULATIONS NOT MORE!" Any other declaration will be moot. We must stress the safety issue because that is where they attack raw milk. Yes, freedom of choice is very important but as you know from this administration, freedom of choice is a matter of what they think safety is.

WHERE: California State Capital, at 10th and L Streets, Sacramento, CA, Room 4202

WHEN: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 at 9 am. Begin demonstration immediately. You may occupy the side walk but you must leave room for people to freely pass. Do not block the sidewalks, steps or doors. They will declare you are unsafely demonstrating and order you to stop. If you see anyone jeopardizing your demonstration and refuses to stop, call on a police officer to handle the situation. Have video cameras rolling to be certain that everything is documented if the government tries to refuse your demonstration. Constitutionally, you do not need a permit unless you disrupt sidewalks and street traffic.

  • Children speak volumes for support of raw milk*.
  • Banners and signs that do not obstruct traffic, stating: RAW MILK PROVEN SAFE; LESS REGULATIONS NOT MORE.
  • Food, especially raw milk!
  • Your written prepared statement of why you want raw milk or testimonial - must be 2 minutes or less.

*A 10-years-old boys testimonial at a Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors meeting: "My name is ______, I have asthma. I cannot drink pasteurized milk. It makes me sick. I can drink raw milk and I feel good when I drink it. Don't take my raw milk away from me."
That testimony was the most moving to everyone in the room and it was given in about 1 minute.

Thank you all! We are going to win this issue. Also, the lawsuit is almost ready to file. Please continue to visit and donate.



Suggested letter for faxing (faxes are always best) and mailing (for those of you who do not live in CA, you may or may not delete the first sentence):

January 13, 2008
Re: Raw-milk proven safe; less regulations not more!

Dear Agriculture Committee Member,

Since you have governance over all of California Agricultural law, and I live in California, I am your constituent.

There has not been one scientifically proved link between raw milk and any type of illness. All of the reports that linked raw milk to diarrhea and/or vomit were associated by survey and hearsay not science. When a hospital or doctor reported a case of diarrhea or vomit, a health department employee called the sufferer and asked what s/he ate. Each time that it was discovered that raw milk was consumed, investigations and inquiry stopped and raw milk was blamed. That is not science. That is prejudice based on rhetorical nonsense that raw milk carries, spreads and causes disease. There is absolutely no sound science to prove those assertions. Those erroneous claims rooted in the 1930's when Knudsen Dairy began pasteurization and wanted to eliminate the raw-milk competition. They hired writers and doctors to create and generate myth that raw milk was dangerous. The myth still exists and your health department continues to believe and act on myth.

True science has been done and reported that raw milk benefits health. The research and observation were by Harvard, Princeton, Cambridge, University of Georgia Dairy Science Department, Dartmouth College, Ohio State University School of Agricultural Chemistry, Washington University School of Medicine, Tufts University, Mayo Clinic of Minnesota, Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, Weston A. Price Foundation as swell as medical journals and publications such as Certified Milk Magazine, American Association of Medical Milk Commission, Milk Industry Foundation, The Lancet, JAMA, World Cancer Research Fund, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, New England Journal of Medicine, British Medical Journal, Consumer Reports, Consumer's Union, St. Vincent's Hospital, and the prestigious Hartford Hospital. I understand that Dr. Vonderplanitz sent you his and Dr. Douglass' report covering raw-milk fact, not fiction. If you have misplaced it or need another copy, contact Dr. Vonderplanitz at

Also, Fact:

(col·i·form) (ko´lĭ-form) [L. colum a sieve] Lactose-fermenting, gram-negative bacilli.
Lactobacillus acidofilus, bulgaris and causicus - beneficial coliform bacteria found in the intestinal tract of healthy mammals
genus Lactobacillus - type genus of the family Lactobacillaceae
lactobacillus - a Gram-positive rod-shaped bacterium that produces lactic acid (especially in milk)
Acidofilus is sold to aid digestion. Yogurts full of coliform are sold to better digestion and health.

The State's coliform regulation does not address any bacteria that is isolated and reported to cause disease, such as E.coli 0157:H7. In fact, the new coliform regulations are superfluous to the claim that they protect the health of the people. Getting rid of healthful coliform does exactly the opposite.

Comparing regulations of pasteurized and raw milk is like comparing apples to oranges. I choose to drink raw milk because of the live coliform that helps digestion, the intact vitamins and enzymes, and stable proteins, fats and milk-sugars. Virtually ridding the milk of healthful coliform by pasteurization or any other method does not make milk more sanitary or safe. It makes it less digestible and nutritious. My family and I want beneficial coliform in our milk. Forcing raw dairy producers to eliminate coliform by poisoning the raw milk with iodine or any other substance does not add nutrient value to raw milk. In fact, it does the opposite, poisons it and makes it unsafe. Statements that raw milk are unsafe are scientific nonsense fed to you by the FDA and CDC. Please, NOT ONLY REVERSE ALL REFERENCES TO COLIFORM COUNTS IN RAW MILK BUT ELIMINATE SUPERFLUOUS REGULATIONS OF RAW MILK.

Thank you. I look forward to your written response.

CA Ag members::

Nicole Parra, State Capitol, P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0030, (916) 319 - 2030
(916) 319 - 2130 Fax

Doug LaMalfa, State Capitol, Room 4164 P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0002, Ph: (916) 319-2002
Fax: (916) 319-2102

Tom Berryhill, State Capitol Room 4116, Sacramento, CA 95814, Ph: (916) 319-2025
Fax: (916) 319-2125

Mervyn M Dymally, State Capitol, P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0052, (916) 319-2052
No fax number listed; you will have to call the office on Monday to discover fax number.

Jean Fuller, State Capitol Room 3098, Sacramento, CA 95814, Ph: (916) 319-2032
Fax: (916) 319-2132

Cathleen Galgiani, State Capitol, P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0017, Tel: (916) 319-2017
Fax: (916) 319-2117

Dave Jones, State Capitol, P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0009, (916) 319 - 2009
(916) 319 - 2109 Fax

Tony Mendoza, State Capitol, P.O. Box 942849, Sacramento, CA 94249-0056, Tel: (916) 319-2056
Fax: (916) 319-2156

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Friends and Raw Food Supporters!
As many of you know, my health has significantly improved over the past couple of years due to the healthful raw food I eat and drink. Organic, raw milk forms a cornerstone of that diet. There is presently a new law, an illogical law, in CA which affects many people's choice to drink raw milk. In CA for many years now, you have been able to buy raw milk in grocery stores!!

If you received this, it is because I am asking for your support. I REALLY APPRECIATE any support you can give to me on this issue!! Let the faxes roll!!!!!! See the e-mail from Dr. Vonderplanitz below for details!
