Thursday, October 29, 2009

Heated talk about raw milk

The following rejoinder can be found at . It is a rejoinder to a bit of journalism at the top of that page. The rejoinder is at the bottom of the page. Several of us who are aware of the benefits of raw milk have commented already - towards the bottom of the page; please add your comments if you like. [If you want to know the untold truths you may order Aajonus expert report, done with Dr. Douglass and available to purchase here.]

"Please review your data and research. Raw milk and fermented raw milk helps autistic kids like no other food on earth. see for testimonials from moms that say just that and more. Autistic kids have terrible disbiosis and GUT issues. One of the best food therapies is the reseeding and feeding of the missing gut bacteria. This bacteria comes from raw milk and fermented raw milks, not pastuerized dead milk or dairy products. Just like breast milk...raw milk heals like no other food.

"Also...Organic Pastures Dairy has never ever bottled one ounce of another dairies raw milk...not one drop. This is a blatant lie and an untruth spoken to try and hurt OPDC and miss-lead our consumers.

"I ask you to print a retraction or face a letter from our attorney.

"Lastly....Dr. Mike Payne ( a "GOT MILK" CMAB PhD at UC Davis )has testified under oath that he does not think that raw milk is safe under any conditions. He stood against SB 201 along with CDFA and UC Davis. SB 201 established very strong HACCP type protections for raw milk in CA. SB 201 was vetoed by the governor after UC Davis ( Mike Payne ) and CDFA "back doored" the legislative process. SB 201 had passed both houses of the legislature and was on the governor's desk when it was Mike Payne demands a HACCP program for CA raw milk. This is an outrage and disingenous.... he speaks with forked tongue!!

Raw milk is a choice made by consumers and that is the end of the story. All of the crying and sniveling done by Mike Payne and others is irrelevant. The people drink raw milk and will defend that right at the legislature ( and they have already done so ). When the SB 201 hearings were held last year....the FDA and CDFA did not even show up ( Senator Dean Florez had invited them to please be present ) yet they did not even show.

The 50,000 people that consume raw milk in CA could care less what UC Davis or big ag says about their personal choices. Raw milk in CA must pass all of the standards for pastuerized milk with out being pasteurized. It is clean yet it is bio-diverse, enzyme-rich and very safe. come you never called me for an interview prior to posting this piece. It is poorly researched and is filled with political crap that is unsupported by fact or documented history in the legislature and the courts. Much of what you have said in your article is just not is false.

Please call me anytime...I will give you the facts and you can confirm them.

1-877 RAW MILK....I take calls from all of our consumers everyday and I will take yours also.

All the best,

Mark McAfee
Founder OPDC
Fresno CA

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