Friday, February 25, 2011

Health Professional Writes to Aajonus

Hi Aajonus,

Lately, I have been using your genius to help my patients, when they will listen. Some take a long time to embrace some of the ideas, some jump right in, others...I go verrrry slowly with them. Of course, I recommend they get your books because I cannot possibly help them understand everything as well as if they just read them for themselves. One of my patients went to California for a consult with you and a new patient of mine is considering it.

Thank you so much for all the work you have done and are still doing. I am experiencing directly how profound it is and am awed by the power of raw food. It has changed the way I practice because I know there is only so much I can do for a patient if they won't change their diet to all raw as you describe it. The level of healing that is possible on the Primal Diet just blows me away...
Excerpted by webmaster, letter by J.J. Westrn United States

1 comment:

Jim Ellingson said...

Sometimes this diet you've given us makes me us feel so physically and emotionally incredible, enthusiastic, and happy, that we feel compelled to thank you just for the hell of it. And God knows many of us would have never reached this kind of state without your help.

Thank you! (Can't put a price on feeling awesome.)

I.K. (Florida, USA)