Saturday, November 21, 2009

...a life changing experience...

I know you've probably received many "thank you's" over the past few decades. You have changed the lives of tens of thousands of people, all by sharing your personal experiences and acquired expertise. I know this is just another "thank you" card of sorts, but I feel compelled to send it anyway.
10 months ago I had a life-changing experience. At 17 years old, a combination of brittle bones (stress fracture w/ shallow bone lesion, extremely delayed healing), advanced gum disease, hyperventilation syndrome (high adrenaline + not allowed to even walk), etc. had left me flopping around like a fish out of water. I acknowledge this is nothing compared to 2/3 of the people out there who have taken on your diet, and especially insignificant compared to your own past health problems which you had overcome. The only sensible thing I could do was delay treatments for the gum disease, hope my fracture would ever heal, and beg for help and understanding as my breathing outpaced my body involuntarily, causing the most wild array of symptoms I've ever experienced. But 10 months ago, I witnessed something special. At first it did not phase me, but 5, 6 months later, it would give me hope that this whole mess could be not only stopped, but reversed, successfully.
Your moment on the "The Doctors" appalled me at first, as it did most people who saw it. Watching you eat raw meat on stage was comparable to watching Bigfoot go for a dip with Nessie. It was almost mythical in the eyes of the unknowing. I couldn't believe what I had seen. And neither could "The Doctors".
As time went on, I manically looked for answers and alternatives. I came across the messy world of the Weston A. Price Foundation. The WAPF began to shape my beliefs and push me in the right direction. Unfortunately, some of their stuff is all over the place! It took a lot of reading, and even more deciphering. As time passed, though, and I continued my Weston Price directed researching, I was constantly under attack by my own mother for having stopped showering (I had stopped because of "anxieties" that had developed regarding strokes/heart attack triggers thanks to the media). When it reached the point where she got anyone and everyone to agree I would die of infectious disease for not showering, I was forced to pull out my Ace of Spades. I had just come across the site selling your book. I sent her to the web site right away, and I had her call the number on After talking to Jim, she finally stopped the attacks and gave up on her pitiful tangent. At this point, she was so convinced that she had failed, that she went ahead and ordered your book, opening up your world to me.
After finally receiving and thoroughly reading your books, I now have hope for the days ahead. I also now live without the fear of suddenly enduring a heart attack or stroke. Although I haven't fully started the [Primal] diet, my hyperventilation is now minimal and no longer intrusive in my life. I can finally live! And look forward to the future. Again, I want to thank you not only for writing your books, but for putting yourself out there in a setting you knew would be hostile. If you had not taken such a leap of faith, putting your own person at risk, I would not have ended up where I currently am, nor a few others who may have also seen that random show. You really are a wonderful person and a genius in your own right. And even under the limelight of those who attempt to silence you, you are changing the lives of those around you by opening their hearts and minds. I wish you more success. Take care.
Ian K.
Hollywood, FL

Monday, November 16, 2009

Primal Diet Workshop is now broadly available

Recently released on DVD by Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz PhD. Nutrition, in partnership with the Nutritional Foundation for Well Being, is a seminar he gave at the UCLA Campus in Southern California. This DVD set is for people wanting to discover the health benefits of the Primal Diet (TM), which can help with even stubborn health conditions.
Dr. Vonderplanitz intended this workshop as a one-time event, to help answer people's questions about raw foods, and how and why they work so well to increase one's state of health. It's four hours of workshop, plus a bonus disc (while they last) consisting of Dr. Vonderplanitz's introductory lecture detailing his own story, and how he came to formulate the Primal Diet. This bonus disc also contains five personal stories from people with a variety of health challenges, who have had excellent results with the Primal Diet.

Dr. Aajonus Vonderplanitz has already written two books: “We Want To Live” and “The Recipe For Living Without Disease.” These can be used as the first steps for people new to the Primal Diet who are seeking better health, or who just want to maintain a state of continuing good health. However, we have also seen the DVD set enjoyed by those just finding out about the raw foods Primal Diet!

Jim Ellingson of the Nutritional Foundation for Well Being, has said “this DVD set took time and care to assemble. It is well-presented, and goes into various topics such as:

  1. the roles of various nutrients and how and why they help us, or hinder us if cooked or processed,

  2. the role of bacteria/fungi and other pathogens, and what are the actual dangers to us,

  3. and mainly—what can we do to protect ourselves and live vibrant and healthy lives despite challenges that are present in our current environment.

It's a pleasure to view these DVD's a number of times over, for the information they give and the hope they provide, that we CAN live the way we always wished we could—in a state of optimal health, and at any age.”

Here's one example of the many positive responses we have received to this offering: “It's a great DVD set—very dense with information. It has content that you won't find in the books. This has gotten me really enthused about really doing the diet and about seeing Aajonus in person.” Mark W., Washington D.C.

P.S. To celebrate this release we are offering a holiday discount effective immediately and expiring on December 31st, 2009. Please use code # 123618 when ordering on the website.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Health benefits of drinking freshly made vegetable juice

"Some may think that the simple use of a vegetable juice extractor is an 'inconvenience'.
'Inconvenience' depends purely on one's point of view. Since some machines are easier to use than others, 'inconvenience' may be the perception for some of the cheaper, inferior extractors, but repetition, experience, preparation and familiarity quickly reduces overall kitchen time.
The tremendous HEALTH PAYBACK (increased energy, stamina and mental clarity) from habitually drinking fresh raw organic, low-sugar juices will absolutely DWARF any previously-held ideas of 'inconvenience.'
Today, more than ever before, NO kitchen appliance is more critical to optimal health than an efficient, conscientiously applied vegetable juice extractor. A highly-tuned, efficiently functioning immune system depends, and will thrive upon, fresh raw juices. For speed and effectiveness in recouping health, there is absolutely NO substitute.
To say that fresh raw organic juice is vital to well-being is a gross understatement. Here are only a few, albeit GROWING number of known, near-miraculous nutrients that are present in fresh raw organic juices: 1) 100% pure, pesticide and herbicide-free, *bioavailable WATER, 2) full-spectrum 'VITAMINS', 3) BIOFLAVINOIDS, 4) bioavailable MINERALS, 5) PHYTONUTRIENTS, 6) plant STEROLS (essential for normal HORMONE production), and 7) YOUTH-PRESERVING, free radical-scavenging ANTIOXIDANTS.
Pathological (disease) processes, e.g. cancer, generate intra- and extra-cellular acids that are destructive to adjaecent healthy cells. Fresh raw organic juices alkalize and neutralize these death-dealing acids. Because of their wealth of biologically superior nutrients, the habitual intake of fresh juices minimizes cellular aging and maximizes cellular respiration, energy and function.
Optimal health IS wealth, and a well-toned, healthy body is the most tangible form of wealth. Ask the man who has lost his. Sooner or later we learn: without health, nothing else really matters.
In the final analysis, the HABITUAL USE of blenders and vegetable juice extractors is ample PROOF of higher brain function.
A juice extractor is THE quintecenntial super weapon in every family's war to stay well and disease-free in a nightmare world of environmental toxins and chronic disease. Are you (already) disarmed?
A word to the wise is sufficient",
Mark R., Birmingham, Alabama

A New Theory of Disease?)
By Aajonus Vonderplanitz
"Have you noticed that almost every “fresh” fruit and vegetable juice you consume is no longer fresh, does not taste that good, and is absent of most of its nutrient value? They look fresh! But they have been pasteurized or irradiated under the mandates created by health-department officials to eliminate microbes. Health-officials are pushing to mandate that all fresh produce be irradiated in the name of food-safety. [Aajonus goes on in great detail about:] What does that mean to us as consumers? " This full article is available to subscribers at the site; to view this article in full, click here. Click here to subscribe and access all Primal Diet Newsletters, articles, essays, media interviews and more.