Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dietary Quest for Health...

...Leads to the Primal Diet:
By age twenty-four, I had developed a painful hemorrhagic colon fissure requiring surgery. By age thirty, I had developed a bleeding duodenal ulcer that was 'treated' for three years. Both conditions were ultimately resolved by dietary means. During my fifty+ year quest to de-mystify and unravel the elusive secrets of optimal health, I attended many dozens of health
lectures/seminars. Each of them gave clues, but never the complete answer. I was inspired by, but still unsatisfied with health lectures, so for reference, I began to purchase, read, and slowly build a small library of seventy-five+ books. All were alleged to improve one's health. Some of them were in fact so far off-course that I later threw them away. To further expand my knowledge base on health and other important protocols, while holding a full-time job
with Southern Company Services, Inc., I attended UAB [University of Alabama at Birmingham] Regional Technical Institute night classes. In the final phases, I did all-night hospital rotations before working a full eight hour shift the same day, finally graduating as a state-licensed EMT [emergency medical technician] paramedic in 1976. Afterwards, I worked and continued my training at my own expense, alongside City of Birmingham's Fire Department Rescue
Services 'FireMedics,' maintaining my license for approximately 11 years. Why do I bore you with the above? Easy:
1) to establish some semblance of credibility, and
2) so that you won't waste your precious time and energy following the same meandering paths that I did in your mission to secure information necessary to provide for your own OPTIMAL health. Optimal health CANNOT come from potentially LETHAL drugs that can kill in all but the tiniest of dosages. Medications do not cure; they merely MASK the symptom(s), often
requiring progressively ever-larger dosages with their concomitant side effects and complications. Over time, I reluctantly came to the conclusion that what we've been taught about health is not always true, but instead is often predicated on centuries-old, false, even dangerous, postulations and/or on multitudinous conflicts of interest(s). All too often, such 'postulations' can be traced to profit motives. Clearly, there is certainly nothing wrong
with making a profit, so long it doesn't cost you your health, or even your LIFE in the 'bargain.' In an article appearing in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine, it was actually divulged that iatrogenic medicine (mistakes made by doctors and medical personnel in hospital environments) is responsible for more mortalities than by any other means! In the considered
opinion of an ever-expanding number of health researchers and practitioners, THAT is exactly what established, pharmaceutically-inspired, 'orthodox medicine' does. I now believe that orthodox medicine was largely responsible for the premature demise of one of our greatest American WWII Air Force heroes, Henry E."Red" Erwin, CMH [Congressional Medal of Honor]. Like ninety-nine percent of all physicians, your own MD is probably well-meaning and really wants you to get well, BUT he is far too busy to pursue alternative or complimentary medicine. He HAS to 'practice' medicine according to strict AMA protocols or risk censure and/or loss of his license to 'practice' medicine. Does your physician know who Professor Antoinne Bechamp (a
contemporary of Louis Pasteur), Royal Raymond Rife or Gaston Naessens, MD were/are? Highly unlikely. Key them in to your favorite search engine. These were/are men of vast accomplishments and genius who were unheralded GIANTS of their chosen professions. However, because they did not march in lock step with the prevailing dictums of their peers' professional societies, they were ignored, suppressed or even persecuted. Their so-called 'controversial' ideas, though now have been validated by time (my opinion), are still ignored by our pharmaceutically-driven 'orthodox' medical establishment today. It was not
until four years ago when I discovered two (2) pivotal, life-changing books,
i.e. We Want To Live and The Recipe For Living Without Disease by Aajonus Vonderplanitz, Ph.D., did I finally discover the truth, the INSIDE story about optimal health. My health
has improved ever since. These two books belong in every home, to be read, and re-read, until their principles literally become instinctive. In summary, don't be bamboozled by the disengenuous 'smoke-and-mirrors' propaganda of the pharmaceutically-inspired medical establishment. Instead, please take the time to think for yourself. Hippocrates, called the father of medicine, is quoted as saying "Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food". [Doctors are sworn in saying this as part of the Hippocratic oath. I asked one once and she said yes, she was sworn in saying that but food was more nutritious in Hippocrites' day. the editor]
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin wrote, in his major work Phyusiologie du Gout, ou Meditations de Gastronomie Transcendante: "Tell me what you eat and I will tell you what you are." Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach wrote "man is what he eats" which got switched around in popular vernacular to "You ARE what you eat." Food IS your best medicine. I don't know who said that first but I am saying it now. There is only one disease: MALNUTRITION. Investigate the two most important health-conserving textbooks of the 21st century.

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