Friday, October 29, 2010

I Came Back... You Can Too

I Came Back... You Can Too

It took me four years full time to get well... The day after my diagnosis I closed my business, went on a fast, joined a Zen group, and literally turned my world upside down. I said to myself "...I can figure out what's up with me and fix me..." So I took my skills and went at my body, researched, asked, busted balls, spent all my money, then begged for free help, went away on retreats, fasted more, and in the mist of it signed up for a full load at college, which dismayed my friends and relatives, for in their mind I was dying...I studied, sat on my pillow and meditated, became close to a qigong master, and traveled the country to find the best teacher... One time I had to be emergency airlifted home, arriving at my acupuncturist near death, scarring the life out of him...I needed to rebuild myself from the inside out, to become literally a new creature.

I ate the wildest shit, I was raw for two years, lived on wheat grass and sprouts, then soo thin I could hardly stand I knew I need to be nourished... I found a man who told me about the primal diet, a raw diet that included all foods... Meat, eggs, tons of raw butter, goat milk, cream, and raw greens... After 2.5 months on that I awoke... (let me say that for years I had bleed every day, I’d awake with blood on my pillow, my nose clogged with it, my bed soaked from nite sweats, I would sleep on beach towels to absorb the sweat, changing them many times each nite) that morning no blood in my nose, my bed was dry. I thought... hmmm oh how interesting... hee hee...

This was the beginning... In the next two years I worked on my spleen (it was huge), rebuilt my body... I am now well, whole...
Smiles... gabriel 4/29/2010

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Aajonus on the radio Friday Oct. 29th!

Hello! We just got a message from Jay Harrison of Accent Radio Network that Aajonus will be interviewed on the station starting at 12 noon EST on Friday October 29th. (That is 9 AM Pacific time).
Apparently this station is accessible in most locations around the USA. The show is called Daniel Chapter One HealthWatch (now CENSORED). The interviewers Jim and Tricia Feijo are particularly interested in the issues surrounding raw milk, it's benefits, availability and so on.
There is a phone number associated with this: 386-776-2009. You could probably get assistance in connecting and might be able to ask live questions or make comments during the interview.
Please tell anyone who might want to hear Aajonus on this topic.
Highest regards,
Jim Ellingson
P.S. Subscribe to the Primal Diet newsletters including full archives [click here to see a sample] to view decades of Aajonus' interviews, articles, essays and so on. The Oct. 29th interview will be available to subscribers within a few days.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Healthy food choices

IT'S EASY TO STOP TWO BILLS THAT WILL REALLY HINDER OUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE HEALTHY FOODS, and with just a week to go, just please click on the link below to alert your senators and the president, and submit your message:

This is SO necessary for our freedoms in choosing the foods we want to eat without (literally) being outlaws!

Thanks for doing this: IT'S EASY.

Barbara Ellingosn,

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"the doctors" video helped me find my path

"One video, "the doctors" presentation, considerably changed my life and definitely helped me find my path. AV [more info here...] showed those chumps how to love some micro-organisms! And AV appears healthier than just about every other health "authority" out there. How could I not have tried it?! Went strait to WF and brought back some buffalo. Sliced it up and never turned back. I know I bought in to it fairly easy, but I have no desire to eat anything else. Especially some hot, dry, destroyed energy form. This way of eating is so obvious, It amazes me to think I almost would have been eaten up by the upcoming plague. Instead I will thrive, thanks a LOT to all involved."
Arthur T., in Arizona

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Senate bills: SB510 and SB3767

There are two bills that were not passed before Senate went on their six week recess, thanks to all our efforts and protests not to pass them! These two bills would impose serious restrictions on our food choices.

Please continue to fax your senators NOT to let these food bills pass when the senators return. Let them know your concern for our food choices, and that you are COUNTING ON THEM to quash these two bills! Thanks to all.

(Dr. Rima Laibow is one very active fighter for our food choices and rights. You may follow her activities as well by searching her on Google.)