We Want To Live! The Raw Food Diet For Living Healthy.
Search for truths to living a healthy life, free of diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, obesity and cancer: recipes for living without disease
To see a 260 pound version of 'David' the amazing sculpture by Michaelangelo, visit this article which covers both cases - weight loss and weight gain. The article is in Italian, although Google will translate it into English for you if you like. Jeff Slay is featured also in his 'before and after' photo which I have copied here. The author of this article brings us to the home page of www.WeWant2Live.com. Any Primal Dieter who sees this and is fluent in Italian may join in the forum; only positive comments are invited.
"The average American's preoccupation with 'bread and circuses,' e.g. American Idol, Nascar and football, by comparison makes the fabled Rip Van Winkle seem like an obsessive/compulsive personality. What extreme of intrusion into our daily lives will it take to finally awaken 'sheeple' from their twenty-year coma? Are we too far gone? Will the 'ugly American' finally go the way of the dinosaur by default? The whistleblower video at the following URL richly illustrates that perilous point:
The Raw Food Diet is inching towards the mainstream as evidenced by AARP and 'Medical News Today' even spelling out some of the benefits and the four broad branches of raw foodism (raw vegetarian/vegan/omnivore/carnivore). The 'raw carnivore' category purportedly eats other foods cooked but all meat is eaten raw. Living in southern California, I have met many raw vegetarians, raw vegans and raw omnivores (such as people on the Primal Diet of Aajonus Vonderplanitz, viewable at www.WeWant2Live.com) but I have never met someone who eats only meat raw and all other foods cooked. I think that category itself is slightly 'cooked' and is theoretical rather than real. I am willing to be enlightened if someone wishes to give me more info at theinterviewguy@gmail.com. The aspect of the Raw Food Diet that I am addressing today is what priority does one give to having a svelte appearance but health problems vs building health by eliminating bad and dangerous fat while replacing it with health-giving raw fat. As 'weight loss' seems to be THE priority in magazines and tabloids, in top selling books and programs, one would think this question has been answered in favor of looking thin. Vegetarian and vegan raw dieters tend to be thin but not muscular - with exceptions of course. I have interviewed a 20 year raw vegetarian who became a raw omnivore then, while keeping his exact same clothing size, put on a lot of muscular weight. He is now turning 63 years old and is vigorous and looks great. He demonstrates that weight gain is not always a problem nor does one's size necessarily increase along with increased (balanced*) consumption of healthy raw fat on an omnivore type of raw diet. One case is cited by Aajonus (copied here from the www.WeWant2Live.com site where it appears with the author's permission): "...one thirty-something patient was 280 lbs. and was addicted to ice cream. I trusted her instincts, that she needed the cream. I gave her recipes to make raw ice cream ... Within 5 months she had lost 140 lbs. and the craving for ice cream. After only 4 years on my Primal Diet...she maintained her weight at 125 lbs., without having to think about her weight to this day..." from an interview by Dr. Rae Bradbury. The full article can be found here . As always, each individual needs to determine his/her own dietary path after sifting through the available information. *See The Recipe for Living Without Disease, the section on recommendations, to see what a balanced raw omnivore diet is.
I have benefited so much from the Primal Diet that I want others to know that this diet is a live alternative to the Standard American Diet and to vegan and vegetarian approaches. Thus I started this blog and the www.wewant2live.com website.